Thursday, September 6, 2012

Marketing your New Business at Low Cost

Are you looking for ways to market your new small business? Looking for ways to let people know you have open a new business. Whether it’s with established sites such as Google and Facebook, or newer outlets like Pinterest, there are plenty of options available to promote your site.

Create a marketing strategy. Lay out goals for how many consumers you want to reach, define your key audiences and decide how you will time each phase of the promotion. It's also wise to use a variety of methods. One of the many great things about marketing a small business is that there are plenty of options to fit any size budget.

You can begin by obtaining a domain name for your new brand. On you can buy domains for less than $10. If your domain name is not available as, come up with another name. Now that you have your domain. Develop a website using your domain name. This will help people find out information about you and your products / services if they do a search online. Begin Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to get ever higher rankings for your website. It does you little good to have a website if no one can find it. Hire an economical SEO firm or do it yourself. Google's Guide to SEO is free, online, and a great starter.

Use social media including a blog, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter several times a week. If possible use your own name, not your business name, because social media are personal. Constantly reach out to potential customers or referral sources by following them or asking them to connect.

Tell your family, friends and other associates about your new business and ask them to spread the word to drum up sales. Word of mouth referrals are still the No. 1 marketing medium in the world, and for good reason — people trust their friends' recommendations.

There are many other ways to market your business and generate new business leads. However, the marketing strategies I mention in this article are effective low- or no-cost options. Use them consistently and watch your sales grow.

Starting a new business is a bold and exciting process! It takes a lot of courage to jump out on one's own. Sometimes you're forced by layoff and difficulty finding another job. Or maybe you just decided to make the jump and make your dream come true.

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